Autumn Pizza’s and pumpkin bird feeders

10th November 2021

Both Firs and Willows classes enjoyed making these lovely autumn pizzas this week. They mixed together flour and water to make a dough and then pressed some autumn treasures into the top...
 Firs children enjoyed making muddy footprints, balancing over the seesaw, climbing over the assault course, using the pulleys, bouncing on the ropes and raking leaves. What a busy morning!
Willows had fun threading Cheerios, and making holes in a pumpkin… 
Maples class were absolutely marvellous during their bird inspired session! They worked really hard all morning on three different activities…
-a bird picture hunt in which they learnt the names of common birds and some facts about them. They also did some birdwatching and really enjoyed playing with toy birds and listening to the different sounds they made
-making a pumpkin bird feeder, in which they used different tools to cut sticks and to make holes in the side of the pumpkin- and also learnt to tie a knot in some string. Each group filled their birdfeeder with seed and chose somewhere in the forest to hang it up once complete
-making a land art picture of a bird, using natural resources found in the woods. We were so impressed by these pictures; Maples children were very proud of their creative work…