Log Dogs and snails

9th May 2023

Oaks had such a fun and busy morning out in Forest School. They used a bow saw to cut a long log, then used their small piece to make a log dog! They drew on a face, tied on a string lead and had super fun taking their log dog for a walk around the woods…
We have sent the log dogs home to play with… Have fun!
We enjoyed looking at the tadpoles this morning, which are wriggling round in our Forest Garden pond. They are getting bigger each week. The children were fascinated with watching some snails this morning, which Mrs Smith had found sitting on some tarpaulin near the log circle. They looked really closely at the snails through magnifying glasses and watched as they slid along our track! We made sure to be very gentle with them and return them to their home afterwards.
So much to do…so much to learn…