
Miss Stephanie Parkes


Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
The children at Langley School are taught PSHE in both a cross-curricular and discrete lesson following a holistic and engaging programme of study based on the PSHE Associations SEND Framework. Children have the opportunity to rehearse and embed practical skills and develop an understanding that they need to develop independence, lead fulfilling lives and enjoy safe and healthy relationships. Children have the opportunity to explore and reflect upon issues that impact them, develop strategies and skills to manage a range of real-life situations. 
The six main topics covered as part of the PSHE Curriculum are: 
  1. Self-Awareness (Me, who I am, my likes, dislikes, strengths and interests)
  2. Self-care, Support and Safety (looking after myself and keeping safe; aspects of Relationship Education) 
  3. Changing and Growing (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities; aspects of Relationships Education) 
  4. The world we live in (Living in the wider world) 
  5. Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings and how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour; aspects of Relationships Education) 
  6. Healthy Lifestyles (Being and keeping healthy, physically and mentally)
At Langley, Forest School also forms part of our PSHE curriculum. Each class has the opportunity to partake in outdoor learning within the year to apply their understanding of the six main topic areas and experience outdoor learning. 
Sex and Relationship Education