Welcome back to Forest School 2022

14th September 2022

What a great start we’ve had to a new Forest School year at Langley School.
The weather has been warm, the children have been happy and we have been blackberry picking!
This half term Oaks, Firs, Beeches and Acers will be out in the woods…
We used the blackberries to make a paint. We also squashed them, smelt them, tasted some then added some into our mud cakes in the mud kitchen. 
We also collected acorns… There were lots and lots falling from our oak trees at the moment.
We used acorns to help us to count and also added them to our special mud kitchen recipes.
We have had lots of new Langley children starting Forest School this week and they, and their classmates have had  fun exploring and using all the different activities and areas…
Acers class enjoyed looking for and naming minibeats and cooking in the mud kitchen. They also loved using the new round swing and were brilliant at taking turns and spinning one another around!